Group Summary


Over the course of this project, we have explored and investigated the interrelatedness of media and entertainment. Overall, we have discovered the substantial impact each subsect of media (print, social media, TV, internet, music) has on the entertainment industry and how we obtain our own personal entertainment.

Since the onset of the digital age, the emergence in our daily lives has drastically changed the entertainment industry and its marketing tactics.

Here’s a quick summary of how these five forms of media directly impacted the entertainment industry:


840x440.jpeg.b4cdded8c88744298c03d7791b8456a8-1As print was the first form of medium, revolutionized by Johannes Gutenberg in the 1400’s, diving into this form of communication was interesting and something new. From advertising to publishing, print is everywhere in our daily lives. Print is now not just words- digital printing of images is the newest frontier. The print industry has also became a platform for the gender equality movement and has shined a light on the issue in the workforce especially. However, print has had to compete with the Internet and technology in general. Because of this, many publications like newspaper and magazines have transferred online to complement their dwindling hard copy audience. Print may not be the powerhouse it once was, but will always be relevant and vital to modern society in some shape or fashion.

Social Media

This project has highlighted how important social media platforms are in how we get our entertainment. With constant access available anywhere, anytime, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and others have given use all sorts of various types of entertainment at the push of a button.850x476.jpeg.e672a09de4104ab19ddcc1cd7dea4475 Also, with such a large audience- the largest being millennials- social media also gives the entertainment industry a huge marketing platform; one that the industry has never had before. Thus, it is safe to assume that social media is on its way to becoming the leading form of entertainment… if it hasn’t already done so.


World-TV-Day.jpgAccording to recent studies, 96.7% of American homes own televisions. Since this is a large majority of the population, television has a massive impact. Exploring the history of television was crucial in understanding it further; it was interesting to watch the first commercial aired on television to see how much they have changed. Over the years, advertising on television has been debated, is it worth it? Most advertisers believe their messages are beneficial because of the influence of television and how many people watch it.  EndFragment


The Internet is more than a medium to access social media, news, information or email; users turn to the web to pass the time and be entertained. Popular activities on the urlInternet include: Hobby related activities– 83%, Information search on buying products– 78% and Entertainment purposes at 72%. More specifically, streaming service providers such as Netflix, HuluPlus, and online gaming have competed fiercely with other media industries. The Internet as a source of entertainment is only becoming more popular, absorbing other industries as it grows.


Music has always been a part of the entertainment industry. But recent
advancements in technology has allowed producing and sharing music to be even cheaper and easier. While many think this is taking away from music sales this mobile-phone-iphone-music-38295technology has actually allowed the industry to grow economically because more artists have the opportunity to be discovered. music has forever been a part of advertising but nowadays popular music is more likely to be featured on television than a catchy jingle. This is just due to the fact that we are tied to the music we listen to and the artists we like so having them in advertisements makes us more inclined to purchase a product.

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