The Touchy Topic on Television

In today’s world, almost EVERYTHING is a sensitive topic. Being aware of others and their feelings has become a large point of discussion in the media today. Things such as gender, sexuality, politics, and race are topics that most people try to avoid in day to day conversations, in order to avoid any problems or conflicts.

One point of diUnknownscussion that is more common than others is racial issues. Some television shows attempt to tackle race, and some stay far away from it. Conversations and jokes about race are seen quite frequently on television. More specifically, comedies pride themselves on being able to poke at these sensitive issues. Sometimes, it is handled well, and other times, it does not go over so well. Shows like “30 Rock,” “Family Guy,” “Orange Is the New Black,” and many others attempt to tackle the topic of race.

30 Rock

screenshot-2015-03-31-14-59-29On an episode of “30 Rock,” one of the characters donned a blackface. What is this, you may ask? Blackface is a form of theatrical makeup used mainly by non-black performers. This has been an on-going controversy for decades, because it can be taken very offensively. Why did “30 Rock” decide to take on this sensitive and controversial concept? One of the characters in “30 Rock” stated in an interview, that “race is the last taboo.” However, another character, played by Tina Fey, was horrified and claimed, “you can’t do race stuff on TV, it’s too sensitive.” These differing opinions are just some of the many that people believe.


Orange Is the New Black

If you have not heard about this new show, you must live under a rock. What started as a Netflix show about a white woman’s stay in prison, turned out to be the catalyst for the discussion of more underlying issues. The cast- composed of characters of all different races and backgrounds- quickly became the main plot for the show.

Contrary to other shows, “Orange Is the New Black” was refreshing and captivating. The way it approached racial issues was so incredibly clever and eloquent. The Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, and African-American characters all have different backgrounds, personalities, and beliefs. Some critics and viewers did not like the story line, but appreciated the underlying ideas of the show. “Orange Is the New Black” has brought these racial issues to the surface level, because it seems as if they have been non-existant for decades.

Where Are We Now?

Because of shows that have had so much success with diving deeper into racial issues, many more shows are starting to take on diverse casts. They have realized that in order to better represent America, they need to start hiring more people who are not white. Almost 40% of America is non-white, so television shows need to start getting up to the times. The awareness is growing that TV needs to be more inclusive and diverse, so we are headed in the right direction. Kudos to the shows that are already headed that way!



Blackface in 30 Rock

Race on Sitcoms- TV

Why TV is Embracing Diversity

Advertising: Beneficial or Not?

Television can be argued to be the most influential medium for advertising. According to the New York Times, 96.7% of American homes own televisions. That means that a large chunk of the population has a television, watches regularly, and sees advertisements. So, one would think that advertisements would be incredibly beneficial- right? Advertisers have to consider many things when it comes to creating a commercial for television. Unfortunately, it could easily not go over as well as planned.

Principles of TV Advertising 

To create a strong advertisement, it must be clear who the message is going to. Who is the audience? Trying to sell life insurance on Disney Channel might not be the smartest move. The advertisement must be able to evoke a passion and desire for the product. Something that makes the customers scream, “I NEED THIS.”

For instance, Honda does a great job in their commercial, Inner Beauty. They were able to create message within their message of selling their car, by saying it is whats on the inside that counts. It is able to evoke positivity and happiness rather than style and cost, which many customers like to see when thinking about buying cars.

Are All Advertisements True?


All advertisements in the U.S. must be truthful and honest, not deceptive and unfair. The Federal Trade Commission set the requirements for all advertisements to deliver a true message. This also states that advertisers must have facts to back up their claims.

The Federal Trade Commission defines deceitful statements as, “those that are unlikely to mislead consumers who act reasonably under normal circumstances and that are likely to affect consumers’ purchase decisions.”

Check out this ad that ended up being deceitful to many customers. ExtenZe claimed that it was to be “scientifically proven” that it increased a certain area of the male body. ExtenZe ended up having to pay a $6 million settlement to unhappy customers everywhere.

Pros and Cons of Advertising


Because of new and improving technology, commercials are bound to be fast forwarded through. TiVo and DVR are the tools that allow consumers to skip through anything they do not want to watch, which is most likely going to be commercials. Advertisements on television are also rather expensive, so advertisers have to decide if the message is worth the money.

However, there are pros when it comes to commercials. Television is still a very popular format that draws in millions of viewers daily. Many people will sit and watch commercials and be potentially influenced by them. There are a few channels that are dedicated to broadcasting commercials only, which advertisers can consider.


Advertisements on television are incredibly effective if made and marketed correctly. They are able to reach millions of people and can be extremely powerful. I know I have been influenced to buy something because of commercials. Have you?


Television Ownership

30 Top TV Commercials

False Advertising Scandals

Principles and Legal Requirements of TV Advertising

Advertising and Marketing

Television: From Then to Now

As today’s digital world keeps growing and growing, TV seems like a form of media that is diminishing. Social media is new, exciting, and popular. Everyone is on it, and TV simply feels like something of the past. Marketers who are considering slimming their TV budget down may need to reconsider, because many are saying that TV is still the most popular medium out there.

History of Television

There are very few inventions that have had as much of an effect on contemporary American society as television. Before 1947, the number of homes with a television could be measured in the thousands. In the late 1990’s, 98% of homes had at least one television.

History of Commercials on Television

The first commercial on television was shown during a baseball game on a local channel in New York. It advertised Bulova watches, was ten seconds long, and was completely different from what we see today. Check it out here.

tv-ads-digital-hed-2016The Bulova commercial turned out to be a hit. Soon, advertisers jumped on board with this new form of media. And today, advertisers have figured out they have to be on the top of their game in order to attract potential customers. With so many advertisements out there in the world, especially on television, it really has to have the WOW factor.

Massive Reach

Television has the capability to reach a large number of people. It is able to reach certain demographic audience segments. No other medium is able to reach over 25% of of the viewing public in one hit. It can be expensive to advertise, but it is worth it in the end to have your ratings boost exponentially.

How Much Do We Watch? 

The typical American spends approximately two and a half to five hours a day watching television. This can equate to around twenty-five hours per week. That is ALOT of TV. Advertisers should take advantage of how much screen time is seen in many homes.


Companies and advertisers are able to look at their advertisement and see how well it did. Did sales go up after their commercial was played during the football game? If people did not react well to the advertisement, they would know and be able to reconsider their strategies. They would not be spending large amounts of money to advertise if they were not being successful.


Consumers have began to accept commercials as a part of the viewing process. They are more tolerant of commercials than most would think.

Creating a television commercial is relatively expensive, but advertisers see benefits in spending money on this than other forms of media, because the result is rewarding.


History of Television

World’s First TV Commercial